Weavr: brand voice, brand messaging, content creation

How we partnered with embedded finance scaleup Weavr to attract sales opportunities and build brand reputation


Embedded finance, fintech

Content type

Brand voice, brand messaging, content creation

Brand icon of the number 3 for RH&Co, strategic copywriting agency


Significant growth over 3 years including $40m Series A funding round

Partnering with Weavr since 2020

Weavr is at the leading edge of a new frontier of finance and technology: embedded finance. Working with non-financial companies and platforms, Weavr offers a way for them to embed, or weave, financial products into their offering without becoming fintechs themselves.

We started working with Weavr at the end of 2020, when the company was still in its early startup stage. Initially we were brought on to help the team establish blogging as a marketing channel.

Since then, Weavr has received $40m Series A funding, and continues to work with us to create regular articles, brand voice guidelines and key publications like whitepapers.

“Not only have the team shown us they’re very competent and skilled in content. They’ve shown us they’re marketers. And they happen to write brilliantly too.”

– Adam Harrison, VP of Marketing, Weavr

Defining Weavr’s guide to embedded finance

One of the key publications we worked on with Weavr was a buyer’s guide, designed to:

  1. Generate marketing and sales qualified leads
  2. Demystify a buying process the industry is tight-lipped about
  3. Enable Weavr to stand out as an authority in their field

Embedded finance (EF) is a notoriously complex field that often raises confusion among buyers. Weavr needed to show they were one of the only companies being clear and transparent on the subject. 

RH&Co were brought in to help define the angle and the scope of a buyer’s guide.

“We don’t just go to RH&Co for content advice, we go for positioning advice as well,” says Adam Harrison, Weavr’s VP of Marketing. “Not only have the team shown us they’re very competent and skilled in content. They’ve shown us they’re marketers. And they happen to write brilliantly too.”


What made the guide a challenge?

There was no template we could follow for this guide. No other brand had written an effective buyer’s guide to embedded finance before – and for good reason. It’s incredibly complex, with the key concepts behind it interpreted differently by different experts in the space. 

As we had done many times before, we worked closely with George Baily, Weavr’s Product Marketing Lead, to break in on this new ground. 

“RH&Co are smart, strategic marketing partners with the intellect to challenge experienced marketing professionals,” says George. 

“In our context as a relatively early stage company, their original approach has helped us accelerate the development of our brand and marketing and reach a more mature and high quality state faster than we could have done by ourselves.”


“RH&Co are smart, strategic marketing partners with the intellect to challenge experienced marketing professionals.”

– George Baily, Product Marketing Lead, Weavr

Guide results:

New companies downloading guide: 200+
New valid sales opportunities: 20

Weavr attracted a large number of visitors to their embedded finance buyer’s guide and, although such a niche search term doesn’t generate a tonne of traffic, the publication now ranks in top position for “embedded finance buyer’s guide”. 

So far, after pushing the guide on email and social networks, including putting some ad spend behind it, over 200 new companies have downloaded the report, with around 20 going on to be valid sales opportunities. This makes the guide Weavr’s best performing to date!

A partnership that’s unlikely to end soon

The guide isn’t the only thing that’s delivered results for Weavr. After three years of working together, and many milestones behind us, Weavr are in no hurry to move on from working with RH&Co.

“There’s usually always so much work to do, working with agencies, whereas RH&Co get it, and they get it fast,” says Adam. “They’re also adaptable, suggesting different ways of working and sensing what we need before we ask. Essentially, they’re not taking orders, they’re consulting for us.”

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Whether you’re ready to get started or want to talk through the finer details of your project, get in touch today to find out how we can help.

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