Financial services copywriting

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Financial services are changing, so is how we talk about them

Regulation calls for crystal clear communication. At the same time, the landscape is evolving. Investment concerns are giving rise to green finance, BaaS is being surpassed by embedded finance, and what we think of when we say ‘banking’ is evolving by the day.

Against this backdrop, it’s crucial for financial services to invest in copywriting. To be seen as a compelling brand, a trustworthy alternative, a thought leader, you need the right reputation and the right message. 

Financial services copywriting challenges

Whether you’re working in the financial services industry or marketing to it, you need words that inspire confidence. To do that, you need to speak with clarity, nuance and authority.

Trust is king

In an industry where old firms are folding and new institutions are sometimes shut down by regulators, brand reputation is everything.

Consumer duty

To create the best outcomes for customers, financial services communications are held to a higher standard than many other industries.


Whether it’s in cyber insurance, AI or fintech, financial services communication now needs to adapt to a fast-evolving technological world.

Our clients in the financial services industry

Unai logo - one of RH&Co's tech copywriting clients Unai logo - one of RH&Co's tech copywriting clients
Admiral Marine logo - one of RH&Co's financial services copywriting clients Admiral Marine logo - one of RH&Co's financial services copywriting clients
BBRC Worldwide logo - one of RH&Co's financial services copywriting clients BBRC Worldwide logo - one of RH&Co's financial services copywriting clients
Weavr logo - one of RH&Co's tech copywriting clients Weavr logo - one of RH&Co's tech copywriting clients
Moneyhub logo - one of RH&Co's fintech copywriting clients Moneyhub logo - one of RH&Co's fintech copywriting clients
Unai logo - one of RH&Co's tech copywriting clients
Admiral Marine logo - one of RH&Co's financial services copywriting clients
BBRC Worldwide logo - one of RH&Co's financial services copywriting clients
Weavr logo - one of RH&Co's tech copywriting clients
Moneyhub logo - one of RH&Co's fintech copywriting clients
Choose your copywriting solution

Clarify and communicate your message

Crystallise your offering to fulfil regulatory standards and so customers, investors and partners recognise your value at a glance.

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Choose your copywriting solution

Build your brand authority with content

Create expertise-based content to support your audience and build confidence in your brand’s reputation.

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What our clients think of our financial copywriting services

Weavr logo, one of RH&Co's tech copywriting clients Weavr logo, one of RH&Co's tech copywriting clients


“RH&Co are smart, strategic marketing partners with the intellect and insight to positively challenge and inspire experienced professionals. In our context as a relatively early stage company, their original approach has helped us accelerate the development of our brand and marketing and reach a more mature and high quality state faster than we could have done by ourselves.” – George Baily, VP Product Marketing

Moneyhub logo - one of RH&Co's fintech copywriting clients Moneyhub logo - one of RH&Co's fintech copywriting clients

Moneyhub Decisioning

“We’ve worked with loads of copywriters before and we’re in such a complicated industry but you’ve just nailed it. I couldn’t fault the copy – and normally I’m really picky! It’s a brilliant backbone for any content we create in the future.” – Kirsten Ward, Marketing Director

Financial services copywriting FAQ

How do you ensure financial services content is effective?

To be effective, financial services content needs to be well-written and pitched at the right level for the audience. But this alone won’t guarantee success – content also needs to support and be supported by a broader content strategy. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Align your content with your wider business strategy. If you’re primarily looking to generate leads, you need to create different content than if you want to maximise the lifetime value (LTV) of customers, reach a new market, or prepare your company for M&A. 
  2. Make sure your content is discoverable. SEO-optimization, social posts, advertising, email marketing and multi-channel campaigns are all legitimate ways to get more eyes on your content, and the right approach will depend on your goals and audience.
  3. Ensure your content moves people along the customer journey. If your audience is barely aware of your product or industry, you can educate them. If they’re aware but sceptical, you can persuade them. If they’re in the market to buy, you can provide more information to help them make a decision. 

To learn more, see our article on why creating content isn’t enough – even if it’s excellent.

Financial services copywriting FAQ

What types of financial services companies do you write for?

Our primary focus is fintech but we do also provide copywriting services for more traditional insurance and investment firms, as well as for companies trying to sell to the financial services market. 

We’re used to diving into the details of a complex subject – whether that’s how embedded finance works, how to use AI tools in lending decisioning, or why impact investing is important. We’re also practised at finding the right words to sell to an audience. That might mean demystifying financial-speak for a wide consumer market, or creating a sophisticated message that will resonate with finance professionals.

Financial services copywriting FAQ

Do you define or refresh brands in the financial services industry?

Yes, or at least we can help with a foundational part of branding. We support our clients to articulate who they are (values, mission, purpose), what they do compared to competitors (value proposition), and what their audience needs to know (messaging). 

For instance, we have been involved in defining core messaging and brand tone of voice for Series-A funded companies operating in the financial services industry, such as Weavr and Moneyhub Decisioning, as well as investors and asset managers like BBRC

We can also refer you to brand and design companies we’ve previously partnered with, and they can help define the visual elements of your brand.

For more information, see our roundtable article on creating brand – who should be involved?

Financial services copywriting FAQ

How can you provide financial services copywriting if you’re not a financial expert?

Our expertise lies in working with your subject matter experts to find the stories in your data, the emotional resonance in your offering, stripping out any unneeded financial jargon so that your core message and value is as clear as crystal.

Now we have interviewed and written for a number of financial experts over the years – speaking about Consumer Duty, compliance, private equity, impact investing, open banking, and so on, so we do bring an understanding of your industry to the table. But our real strength lies in bringing a fresh perspective, and asking enough questions to get beneath the surface of what you do.

To dive into the reasons why your subject matter experts might not be the best people to create your content, see our article, ‘How can you blog for my business if you’re not an expert in my subject?’

Get a specialist financial services copywriting partner

Whether you’re ready to get started or want to talk through the finer details of your project, get in touch today to find out how we can help.

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Financial services copywriting agency

Strategic brand copywriting for expert-led finance businesses.

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