6 ways to share your blog content on social and get more readers

How do you get eyes on your blog posts? Whether you’re a business owner or a marketing manager, ensuring that the content you’ve invested time and/or money in is actually being read is high priority. But far too many people simply press publish, pop the link out on social media and then… nothing.

In reality, unless your approach involves relying solely on SEO, to get good traction on a blog post you need to be putting it out there multiple times. Of course you also don’t want to say the same thing again and again.

That’s why it’s important to be creative with your social sharing copy. This is the text that you write for your social media posts, which encourage people to engage and ultimately click through to read your blog.

Using a range of social sharing copy not only injects a bit of variety but can drive different results. As an example, here’s how we might share our blog post entitled 3 ways a blog will improve your website’s SEO.


The straight share

Looking for some simple ways to improve your website’s SEO without having to actually become an SEO expert? Today’s blog post looks at why having a well written blog on your site will help.

This is the one most people use as a starting point and is simple and to the point. The trick is not to stop here…

The pull quote

“The goal of a search engine is to lead internet users to the most relevant and useful content for their needs.”

So it follows that if you’re producing lots of valuable content that answers your audience’s questions, you’ll rank more highly, right? 

Just one way a blog can really help improve your website’s SEO. Find out more in our recent blog post.

Is there a line in your post that either summarises the core message or is inspirational or intriguing enough to capture people’s attention? A pull quote is a device that has been used in print publications since before the internet was invented to catch people’s attention. Follow up your pull quote with a call to action that leads them on to your blog post.

The engagement question

How confident are you that your website is SEO friendly? If you’re short on time just answer A, B or C…

  1. What’s SEO? It’s something to do with Google right?
  2. We did a bit of keyword research when we last updated our website…
  3. We’re fully optimised, from metatags and indexing to quality backlinks.

If you’re not sure your website is getting noticed by Google and co, read this week’s blog post to find out how blogging for your business can seriously improve your SEO game.

Not everyone who likes your Facebook page, follows your Twitter account or connects with you on LinkedIn will see every single post you share. But there’s a much greater chance they will see one if other people are engaging with it – that’s just the nature of the algorithms. So if you can encourage people to comment by using a question format, you might find your click throughs also increase. 

The powerful statistic

Over 60% of our website visitors arrive on a blog post. 

That means if we stopped blogging, we’d reduce the number of people looking at our website by more than half.

If you’re trying to get more eyes on your website then read this week’s post to find out more about how a top quality blog can help you boost your SEO and increase traffic now and for the future.

Everyone likes a good statistic. If your blog post includes ones one, share it as a way to catch the attention of your potential readers on social media. Even if you don’t, find one that’s relevant and use it to introduce your subject. In the example above, the statistic isn’t included in the blog post itself but it’s powerful enough to attract the kind of audience who would be interested in the post we’re promoting.

The thought leadership

How do you get the balance between a website that works for your visitors and one that makes Google happy from a keyword point of view?

We all want our brand to make it onto the first page of Google. But if you focus too heavily on key words and forget that real human beings are reading your content, you’ll soon find your SEO strategy backfiring.

Luckily it doesn’t have to be a case of one vs the other. Read our recent blog post to find out more.

If you’re trying to establish yourself or your brand as experts in your industry, then being a thought leader is important. Get involved in discussion, have an opinion, and use that to direct people onto your blog. 

The sales pitch

Blogging can help improve your website’s SEO in many ways. For example:

  • By increasing search term mentions
  • By reducing bounce rates with internal links
  • By regularly adding valuable content

You can find out more in our latest blog post. And if you need help producing quality, targeted blog content that will attract and engage your audience, get in touch to see how we can help. Call 01179 902690, email talktous@rin-hamburgh.co.uk or visit www.rin-hamburgh.co.uk for more information.

Social media isn’t the place to sell, right? Actually that’s not exactly true. Making people aware of how they can work with you isn’t a problem as long as that’s not all you’re doing and as long as you’ve spending time building relationships, adding value and so on. Don’t do it all the time but equally don’t be afraid to sometimes shout about how you can help people.

You may find that some of these social sharing copy options sit more naturally with your brand than others and that some work better at driving traffic to your blog. Experiment to find out what will be the most effective for your and your audience. But marketing is, in many ways, a numbers game so don’t be afraid to share your blog posts more than once.

PS Guess what? Writing social sharing copy is an add-on option we offer to our blogging clients. If you’re interested in finding out more, get in touch.


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